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How to increase your addressable programmatic audio audience


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Benjamin Masse是Triton Digital的首席产品官 运用音频洞察力来扩展你的节目策略,增加受众的可寻址性

The audio landscape is vast – there’s streaming, which is transmitted over the internet in real-time; then there is broadcast radio, which is traditional audio transmitted over electromagnetic waves through the air; and ultimately, there are podcasts, 它们是预先录制的音频系列,可以下载,通常可以在苹果播客等平台上收听, Spotify and others.

每种音频格式在自有平台和第三方平台上的分布都不同, 对于想要增加受众的发布商和想要接触目标受众的广告商来说,所有这些有价值的信息都是很有价值的.

Audience insights, therefore, 是由许多不同的来源和不均匀的特性组成的吗, 这意味着你有机会提高听众对你的内容的理解. 

So, what is an addressable audience?

In short, 可寻址受众是一群与你的内容或广告相匹配的人. 扩大你最初的目标受众档案,并建立更多的特征, 你需要更好地了解谁在参与你的音频内容.  


In an ideal situation, 出版商可以通过他们控制的应用程序访问经同意的第一方数据. 第一方数据是通过一个环境获取的,这个环境可以更直接地了解谁在听,因为用户已经在网站上注册了, created a profile, and provided demographic information.

If a publisher doesn’t have an app, 然后他们与第三方应用如TuneIn建立关系. However, it’s up to them to decide how much information they share

然而,当涉及到流媒体和播客时,就没那么简单了. 在流媒体的情况下,你知道什么时候有人连接或断开. 发布者可以接收实时信号并查看IP地址, which can help initiate a listener profile, but ultimately you don’t get user-level insights. On the other hand, podcasts are distributed via RSS feeds, so you won't know if or when a listener consumes your content.


Maximise those insights with the right targeting tools

在自己的环境中与听众建立直接联系永远是dsn彩乐园网址的最佳方式. However, if you can’t, 你可以使用许多解决方案来告知受众概况——你只需要找到合作伙伴来帮助你实现这一目标.

Identity technology company ID5, for example, 利用媒体所有者提供的各种同意信号,在不损害隐私和数据保护的情况下安全地识别用户. Those signals are then used to build a listener profile.

Other alternatives also include partners, such as Signal Hill, that help provide survey-based audience data. 广告商可以通过这些类型的数据合作伙伴关系附加家庭信息来扩展某些个人资料. 这可能包括确定受教育程度较高的家庭或家庭装修购买意愿指数较高的家庭.

The more data and audience insights at your fingertips, the more you know who your content is resonating with, 然后你可以运用这些见解来扩展你的节目策略,增加受众的可寻址性.

Future-proof your strategy

The cookie apocalypse on Chrome has been averted 但是马已经出了马厩——这个行业每天都在发生变化,每个公司都必须准备好处理各种方法来激活和衡量活动. With this in mind, 同样重要的是,要放眼未来一年,开始规划未来五年, or ten years.

在全球范围内,限制性隐私法将焦点重新放在了上下文广告上. 这是一个经过验证的实践,品牌和内容是正确匹配的. 在Triton,我们看到了这对品牌的持续价值和重要性,这就是为什么我们 acquired Sounder, to offer contextual advertising at scale using the power of AI.

随着越来越多的解决方案的引入,以帮助增加受众定位, 品牌需要记住,在一天结束的时候,了解你的受众将是扩大任何增长努力的关键.

By Benjamin Masse, Chief Product Officer

Triton Digital

Triton Digital®是数字音频领域的全球技术和服务领导者, podcast, and broadcast radio industries. Operating in more than 80 countries, Triton provides innovative technology that enables broadcasters, podcasters, and online music services to build their audience, maximize revenue, and streamline their day-to-day operations. In addition, Triton通过Webcast Metrics®为全球在线音频行业提供动力, 领先的流媒体音频测量服务和播客度量, 业内首批获得IAB认证的播客测量服务之一. With unparalleled integrity, excellence, teamwork, and accountability, Triton remains committed to connecting audio, audience, 而广告商则不断推动着全球音频产业的发展. For more information, visit

Posted on: Tuesday 10 September 2024

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